ArcBlock and Unstoppable Domains has teamed up with 32 of the world's leading wallets to make .wallet a new standard, streamlining peer-to-peer crypto payments for over 40 million users. All week long, join the .Wallet Alliance LIVE on Twitter Spaces as we discuss our vision for the future with a truly global payment network and what the .wallet username standard will mean for our communities moving forward.


Wed 10/6 @ 3pm PDT:

The evolution of peer to peer payments feat. Mecuryo and Nimiq

Thurs 10/7 @ 2pm PDT:

Wallet functionality: From NFTs to DMs feat. MyEtherWallet, IoTex, ArcBlock

Fri 10/8 @ 12pm PDT:

Crypto payments and the future of wallets feat. Litewallet