By Nate Robinson (Head of Wallet and Application, ArcBlock)

Today, we just announce the latest updates of DID Wallet for Android, iOS and Web platform. The Android and iOS versions will be available in Google Play store and Apple AppStore once they are approved. Here's a quick overview of the features included in this update.

Android: DID Wallet V3.6.10

  • Support DID Connect 2.0
  • The "Transfer" feature has been optimized, adding more security checks
  • Support Unstoppable Domains and ENS (Ethereum Naming Service)
  • Other known issues fixed

iOS: DID Wallet V3.5.19

  • The sending function continues to be optimized, adding more security checks
  • Support Unstoppable Domains and ENS (Ethereum Naming Service)
  • Support Stake, RevokeStake transaction display
  • Support to add ethereum test network ERC20 Token
  • Optimize database code logic to improve application stability
  • Other known issues fixed

Web: DID Wallet V3.5.3

  • Support Unstoppable Domains and ENS (Ethereum Naming Service)

Core Features

1. Support Unstoppable Domains resolution and ENS (Ethereum Naming Service)

When transfering ethereum token, it's always challenging to get the Etehreum address right. Now ABT Wallet fully supports UNS, ENS, a human-readable name for the Ethereum address.


2. Support DID Connect 2.0

The Android Wallet is the first to complete the support of DID Connect 2.0. Through DID Connect 2.0, the interaction between wallet and Dapp adds another gesture in addition to scanning code, which no longer requires repetitive and tedious scanning qr code operation. After the wallet is connected with Dapp, The Connect process can be invoked automatically (the other platforms will be supported in a later version).

DID Connect 2.0

Finally, for more optimization and improvements, please download or update the wallet to experience.