ArcBlock ABT Node Change Log - October 20, 2020
ArcBlock updated it's ABT Node developer platform to version v1.0.19 on October 20, 2020.
With this release, released fixes, feature enhancements and several new key features to ABT Node including:
- New ABT Node instances are currently set to default to the domain with built-in https access.
- New support of ArcBlock Integrations (webhooks) to easily send notifications to external services like Slack or other APIs.
- A new enterprise-ready DNS Blocklet for enterprise-grade DApps.
1.0.19 (October 20, 2020)
- fix getBaseUrls bug
1.0.18 (October 20, 2020)
- fix: build config before publish
1.0.17 (October 20, 2020)
Major changes in this release: webhook support, https support
- fix: dynamic module loading in nginx on amazon linux
- feat: support send outgoing notifications with webhook (#1305)
- chore: update text on setup url mapping
- fix: add subscription for notification.create to refresh node context (#1344)
- fix: add padding on action button in service gateway (#1343)
- chore: cleanup blocklet publish scripts
- chore: update blocklet build script to achieve smaller bundles
- fix: dashboard https bug (#1333)
- chore: a bunch of router bugfix (#1338)
- fix: page is blocklet by “Netwok error” after blocklet installed (#1337)
- fix: wrong node status text after “abtnode stop” (#1336)
- feat: simple dns and dashboard https support (#1316)
- chore: add prompt to restart node after upgrade for root user
- feat: support setoninsert in nedb mongoose driver (#1330)
- feat: user can input maxUploadFileSize when init abtnode (#1322)
- fix: some text and and margin on confirm textfield (#1314)
- fix: nginx return 413 when upload file larger than 300m (#1311)
- fix: should auto close the drop down action menu when clicked #1307 (#1313)
- fix(ux): show cursor pointer when hover Log Directory (#1312)
- fix: optimize batch blocklet restart with async/queue (#1309)
- feat: refactor routing ui and support config domain security (#1302)
- chore: upgrade @arcblock/sdk-util package to resolve text field bug (#1303)
- fix: the bug of inconsistent disk usage display (#1300)
- fix: replace env position (#1294)
- chore: update readme in nedb packages
- fix: set uptime start time (#1292)
- chore: bump forge and ocap sdk to latest version
- fix: timer on the top bar should be live (#1239) (#1283)
- fix: calculate disk total (#1296)
- fix: add strong text on del confirm (#1290)
- chore: add docs about test in docker (#1291)
- chore: upgrade mongoose to latest 4.x
- chore: update logs => view logs
- fix: uptime on live (#1278)
- feat: install blocklet from Github repo (#1277)
- chore: maintain our own fork of nedb and support mongoose (#1254)
- fix: add topbar for logs page (#1282)
- fix: reset style cpu etc in dashboard (#1274)
- fix(ci): travis task is automatically closed (#1271)
- fix: change style in del confirm (#1276)
- fix redirect bug (#1280)
- fix: add confirm when delete site or url (#1244)
- fix: ABTNODEHTTP_PORT bug in router (#1266)
- fix: meta.js path bug (#1264)
- fix: create a box instead of switch for secret key (#1256)
- fix: keep no round conner of the bar (#1259)
- fix: keep logo center with bar (#1260)
- fix: go more blocklet detail by click blocklet card (#1231)
- fix: blocklet logo display error (#1247)
- fix: “abtnode logs” never stop if node is not starting (#1235)
- fix: sort installAt in blocklets (#1246)
- fix: log output should be responsive (#1245)
- fix: small fix to text on logs start (#1232)
- chore: replace fs.exits api with fs.existsSync, fs.exists was deprecated (#1243)
- fix: update node settings bug #1221 (#1227)
- chore: improve tests (#1226)
- fix: log page is crashing on Safari (#1230)